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Youth/Teen programs

Young Israel of Sharon offers a variety of youth educational and programming activities. Our dedicated youth director helps facilitate the spiritual growth of our children with ongoing prayer groups, programs and events.

Teen Minyan
Once or twice monthly, teens, grades 7-12 conduct their own minyan at 9:30 am in the beit midrash.

Teen Shabbat
Two shabbatot a year, teens lead all aspects of the tefillah and kriat hatorah for the main shul.


Shabbat Youth Programs

1. Children younger than 5 are welcome in the professionally-manned babysitting room, where they will be expertly cared for starting at 9:30 AM.

2. Kindergarten through 2nd graders -  groups start at 10:15 am and are held in room 6. In these groups, teenage supervisors will lead the children in davening, activities, and kiddush.

3. Grades 3-5 are welcome in the older groups, held in room 2 starting at 10:15 am. Here also, the children will be supervised by teenagers through davening, shabbos-appropriate activities, and kiddush.

4. Children ages 5 and younger are also welcome at Tefilat Ketanim with a parent, which starts at 11 am in the Beit Medrash (except during Tefilat Nashim weeks). This age-appropriate davening also includes a story at the conclusion of the davening, and a small prize for children to take home.


Tefillah Lanoar
Tefillah Lanoar is an exciting new program for children who are in grades 1-6.


Tefillah Lanoar is designed to introduce elementary school students to Shabbat morning Tefillah and be a part of a minyan.

To help with the success of this new program, we would like to purchase the Artscroll Siddur made especially for this age group called “Siddur Chinuch Chaim Shlomo”. This will allow all the children to follow along easily from the same page and line.

We are looking for siddurim sponsors to help make the Tefillah Lanoar a success for our children.

For only $18 per siddur you can include a dedication which will be inscribed on the bookplate. This
is a great way to celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, bar/bat mitzvah or graduation, as well as a meaningful way to honor a child or remember loved ones.


To become a siddur sponsor, please e-mail Rebecca Milgram at

Number of books sponsoring _______
Total Dollars ( ___ x $18) = __________
(please mail check to the shul office and put Tefilla Lanoar Siddur on the memo line)
Dedication __________________________________________
Donated by ______________________________ ( ex: Mr & Mrs A. Cohen or Cohen Family)
Your Name ___________________________
Phone number _____________________
e-mail address _______________________


An opportunity for kids (grades 1-5) to learn with their parents a subject of their choice in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Mishmash is held on Motzaei Shabbat 45 minutes after Havdala, every two weeks from November to March during Standard Time.

Ezra Schwartz

A recording of the Levaya for Ezra Schwartz can be found here:

Please participate in a learning project in Ezra's memory.

For additional information on youth programs, contact the Director of Youth and Family at

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785