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High Holidays 5783/2022


We look forward to sharing another meaningful and inspiring chaggim season together as a community.

Before registering for seats, please keep the following in mind:

There will be three morning minyanim: 1) Social hall 2) Sanctuary 3) Tent in back parking lot.
Specific seats will not be assigned, rather you are reserving a spot at a given minyan, the same minyan for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We are not assigning seats at any of the minyanim so first come first serve. 
All evening minyanim (mincha/ma’ariv) over Rosh Hashana will be in the back tent, unless there is inclement weather and then they will be in the Main Sanctuary.
For Yom Kippur, evening minyanim will happen in the Tent and in the Main sanctuary, but not the Social Hall. 
In the tent, there will be a distanced seating section that will be mask optional.
Please sit in that section if you registered for it in your seat request form. 
In the indoor minyanim, there will be a masked required section, as large as the number of people who register for it. 
Please bring your own machzorim if you have. The shul will be providing Birnbaum machzorim for those that need. 
Please put extra belongings underneath your seat or on tables that are set up, but not on other chairs.

All morning minyanim will start with Birkot HaShachar.

Here is a tentative line up of the davening leaders and gabbaim for each minyan. Gabbaim will be available to answer questions before and during the minyanim: HERE

Please respond promptly with your completed form. Waiting until the order deadline may not guarantee you your location. We are expecting to reach capacity. 

If you want seats, you MUST submit your online form by Monday, September 19th.  Any seats requested after that date will be subject to a late fee. 


Specific instructions for filling out this seat reservation form: 

  • All orders should be submitted via the form below.  To register for member prices, you must be logged into the shul's website.  If you do not remember your login, you can enter your email at to have a login link emailed to you.  If you need further assistance please contact Sandy by email at

  • Our seat prices are listed on the order form below. Dependents are students. Married children cannot be claimed as dependents. Children must be over the age of five to be assigned seats under the family cap.  If you wish to register under the family cap, please contact Sandy by email at

    NOTE: We try to keep the cost of Dues and Yom Tov seats down, and in fact we are very reasonable with our pricing. Please remember that this is a major part of the shul operating budget.

  • You can purchase seats at member prices only if you are considered a member in good standing. “In good standing” means that all dues, annual building fund obligations, and fees are paid in full (or that you are up to date with any payment plan arranged with the financial secretary) for all prior fiscal years in which membership is held.

  • LATE ORDERS: We try to guarantee space to everyone who wants to daven with us, but it is no longer possible to accommodate everyone according to their seating preferences. Late reservations or incomplete forms may result in seats being separated or not in the location which you requested and/or are used to. Late orders will be seated WHERE SPACE IS AVAILABLE. No requests will be acknowledged other than disability needs.  Even if you will be leading part of the service, your form MUST be in on time or your family may not be seated in the same room.

  • Specific Seats:  Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate requests for specific seats this year.

  • We will have limited numbers of masked seating indoors. If you prefer to sit in a masked (indoors)/distanced (outdoors) only section, please add that to the additional notes.

Financial issues? Contact Financial Secretary Aryeh Feder by email only:


Questions? Contact Sandy at the shul office by email (due to travel, please contact Sandy by email, not by phone).

Part 1 - How Many Seats


If you are a Member or Associate Member in Good Standing and wish to pay the reduced member or associate member rates, please login.  If you do not remember your login, you can enter your email at to have a login link emailed to you.

Select # attending...
$325 per person
$200 per person
$200 per person

($25 late fee per seat)

Part 2 - Who and Where


Rosh HaShanah (both days)

Monday/Tuesday, September 26/27

In Main Sanctuary and Tent


  • 7:30 a.m. Social Hall Minyan 
  • 8:30 a.m. Main Sanctuary Minyan
  • 9:00 a.m. Tent Minyan

Yom Kippur

Tuesday, October 4 / Erev Yom Kippur 


  • 6:04 p.m. Kol Nidre (In Main Sanctuary and Tent)

Wednesday, October 5


  • 7:45 a.m. Social Hall Minyan
  • 8:00 a.m. Main Sanctuary Minyan
  • 8:30 a.m. Tent Minyan


  • 5:40 p.m. Neilah (in Main Sanctuary and Tent)



Please enter the names of all attending and select their location preference (Social Hall Minyan, Main Sanctuary Minyan, Tent Minyan).  If you are attending services for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, you must choose the same Minyan for both Holidays.


  * Name Location When Notes

Part 3 - Additional Details

Child Care And Youth Services:

1) Youth services for ages 8-12 on day 1 and 5-8 on day 2 will be in the Beit Midrash from 10:30-11:30 AM led by Adam Shain and Daniel Bronitowski.

2) For Rosh HaShana, child care from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM will take place in the classrooms. Ages 2-3 in the classrooms at the far left of the SHAS hallway and ages 4-5 in the classroom closest to the lobby. Only pre-registered kids can join. Snacks provided outside. Any questions please email Talia Abir at

3) Kids will be able to play on the playground as there is no Sukkah minyan this year.

Additional Notes - Please use this space to provide any additional notes you feel we should know.  Please note that given COVID we are still constrained in our flexibility.  While we will accommodate where possible, please limit requests.
   Rosh Hashanah Day 1, 9-12 years old
   Rosh Hashanah Day 2, 5-8 years old
   Yom Kippur, 5-8 years old
   Yom Kippur, 9-12 years old
   Rosh Hashanah (2-5 years old)
   Yom Kippur (2-5 years old)
Please enter any additional notes relevant to your registration. If you prefer a masked only section, please note it here. Note that we are not allowing the reserving of specific seats this year.  Reservations are for a spot at the selected Minyan.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784